Appearing smarter than you actually are is not always as difficult as it may seem. There are a few simple tricks you can use to give the impression of intelligence, even if you don’t feel particularly smart at the moment.
We’ve all been there. We want to make a good impression, but we’re not quite sure how smart we are supposed to act. Do we downplay our intelligence and play coy? Or do we try to appear smarter than we actually are?
In this blog post, we’ll explore the best ways to appear smarter than you actually are – so you can make a good impression without feeling like a fraud. Read on for tips!
- Tips to appear smarter
- 1. Wear makeup to appear smarter
- 2. Pay attention to detail
- 3. Be well-informed
- 4. Be an active listener
- 5. Work on your communication skills
- 6. Avoid using filler words
- 7. Don't be afraid to ask questions
- 8. Be well-rounded to appear smarter
- 9. Use body language to your advantage
- 10. Dress the part to appear smarter
- 11. Use proper grammar and vocabulary
- 12. Be confident to appear smarter
- 13. Think before you speak
- 14. Be committed to learning
- 15. Have a positive attitude
- 16. Surround yourself with smart people
- What are the benefits of appearing smarter than you actually are?
- What are the disadvantages of appearing smarter than you actually are?
- How to be smarter without studying?
- Top tips for studying smarter, not harder
Tips to appear smarter
If there’s one thing that we all aspire to, it’s intelligence. We want to be the person in the room who can answer any question and the one who has a witty remark for every occasion. But being smart is hard work – or is it?
According to a new study, appearing smarter than you actually are may be as easy as putting on some make-up.
1. Wear makeup to appear smarter
In this randomized study, researchers at Harvard Medical School found that women who wore makeup had better performance in positive mood, and also received better grades.
Palumbo et al., 2017
Women who wear make-up are also perceived as being more confident, competent, and intelligent. The results suggest that wearing makeup can act as a “social lubricant” that helps people form better impressions of others. It also highlights the importance of physical self-esteem in cognition.
So if you’re looking to boost your image, put on some extra eyeliner and blush – it may just help you look smarter. If you choose to opt-out of the make-up strategy, continue reading more some helpful tips to appear smarter than you are.
2. Pay attention to detail
When you are trying to come across as smarter than you actually are, one of the best things that you can do is to focus on the details. This means not just being able to recall information accurately, but also being able to pick up on small nuances and subtleties that others might miss. If you can show that you are paying attention to the details, it will go a long way in making you appear more intelligent.
3. Be well-informed
If you want to come across as smarter than you actually are, it is important that you be well-informed about the topics that you are discussing. This means doing your homework and being up-to-date on the latest news and developments. When you are well-informed, you will be able to contribute to conversations in a meaningful way and people will perceive you as being more intelligent.
4. Be an active listener
An important part of appearing smarter than you actually are is being a good listener. This means not just hearing what others are saying, but really taking the time to understand and process the information. When you are a good listener, you will be able to ask insightful questions and make thoughtful comments. This will make you appear more intelligent than if you just spoke without really listening.
5. Work on your communication skills
When you are trying to come across as smarter than you actually are, it is important that you be articulate. This means being able to express yourself clearly and effectively. If you can communicate your thoughts in a coherent and concise manner, people will perceive you as being more intelligent.
6. Avoid using filler words
When you are trying to come across as smarter than you actually are, it is important that you speak confidently. This means not using filler words like “um” or “like” and instead speaking in a clear and concise manner. If you can speak confidently, people will perceive you as being more intelligent and competent.
Pauses in conversation are perfectly normal, so don’t feel like you have to fill every silence. If you need time to gather your thoughts, simply say something like, “That’s a interesting point. Let me think about that for a minute.” Finally, try to avoid using filler words like “um” or “like.” Not only do these words make you sound nervous, but they also interrupt the flow of your speech and make it more difficult for the person you’re talking to follow your train of thought.
Read also: 20 Powerful tips to become an expert communicator
7. Don’t be afraid to ask questions
If you don’t understand something, don’t be afraid to ask questions. This shows that you are willing to learn and are not afraid to admit when you don’t know something. Asking questions is a sign of intelligence, so don’t be afraid to do it if you want to come across as smarter than you actually are.
8. Be well-rounded to appear smarter
When you are trying to appear smarter than you actually are, one of the best things that you can do is to be well-rounded. This means having a diverse range of interests and knowledge. If you can show that you are interested in many different things, people will perceive you as being more intelligent. So, when possible branch out and learn new things if you want to come across as smarter than you actually are.
9. Use body language to your advantage
Your body language can say a lot about you, so make sure that you are using it to your advantage when you want to appear smarter than you actually are. Avoid crossing your arms or slouching, as this can make you appear defensive or uninterested.
Instead, stand or sit up straight and make eye contact with the person you’re talking to. This means standing up straight, making eye contact, and speaking in a clear and confident voice. If you can master the art of nonverbal communication, people will perceive you as being more intelligent.
Looking while speaking contributes to higher perceived intelligence.
Murphy, 2007
10. Dress the part to appear smarter
If you want to come across as smarter than you are, it is important that you dress the part. This means dressing in a way that is professional and polished. When you look put-together, people will perceive you as being more competent and intelligent. So, make sure that you take the time to select the right clothes, shoes, and accessories.
11. Use proper grammar and vocabulary
When you are trying to come across as smarter than you actually are, it is important that you use proper grammar and vocabulary. This shows that you have a good command of the English language and that you are educated. If you can use complex terms correctly, people will perceive you as being more intelligent.
12. Be confident to appear smarter
To appear smarter, it’s important that you have high self-esteem and confidence. This means believing in yourself and your abilities. If you can project confidence, people will perceive you as being more intelligent.
13. Think before you speak
When you are trying to come across as smarter than you actually are, it is important that you think before you speak. As such, take a moment to process what you are going to say before you say it. If you can avoid saying something foolish, people will perceive you as being more intelligent.
14. Be committed to learning
One of the best ways to come across as smarter than you actually are is to take the time to learn. This means reading books, taking classes, and expanding your knowledge in general. The more you know, the easier it will be to appear smart. So, make an effort to learn new things and you will be sure to impress others with your intelligence. If you don’t know something, write it down so you can look it up later.
15. Have a positive attitude
When you are trying to come across as smarter than you actually are, it is important that you have a positive attitude. This means being optimistic and enthusiastic about life. If you can prove that you have a positive outlook, people will perceive you as being more intelligent.
16. Surround yourself with smart people
Surrounding yourself with smart people is a great way to improve your own intelligence. Studies have shown that we tend to rise to the level of our peers, so being around people who are smarter than us can help to push us to new levels of achievements.
This is especially true when it comes to appearing smart. If we are constantly surrounded by people who are smarter than us, then we will naturally start to seem smarter by comparison.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should ditch all of your friends who aren’t geniuses. But it does mean that you should actively seek out relationships with people who are smarter than you are, and spend more time around them than you do around others. Doing so will help you to appear smarter than you actually are.
What are the benefits of appearing smarter than you actually are?
There are many benefits to appearing smarter than you actually are. First, it can give you an edge in negotiations and other competitive situations. If you are perceived as being more intelligent, others may be more likely to concede to your demands.
Plus, you will have more opportunities to have intelligent conversations with others. This can lead to better relationships and networking opportunities. Who wouldn’t want to impress their future clients and employers?
People are drawn to others who seem to have a lot of knowledge and insight, so appearing smarter than you are can make you more popular and likable.
Additionally, people will be more likely to trust and respect you if they perceive you as being more intelligent. Plus, appearing smarter than you actually are will likely make you feel better about yourself.
What are the disadvantages of appearing smarter than you actually are?
There are a few disadvantages to appearing smarter than you actually are. For one, you may come across as arrogant or cocky.
Additionally, people may start to expect more from you and be disappointed when you don’t deliver. Additionally, appearing smarter than you actually are can take up a lot of time and energy. So, if you are not careful, it can be quite detrimental to your life.
In order to make a good impression, it’s important to be aware of the signals you are sending. By appearing smarter than you actually are, you may give off the wrong impression and damage your credibility.
Final words on tips to appear smarter than you actually are
While there are many ways to make yourself appear smarter than you actually are, the most important thing is to be authentic. Don’t try too hard to seem like you know more than you do – people can see through that.
Instead, focus on being genuine and confident in your own intelligence. Showing interest and enthusiasm for learning will also help you come across as smart.
And finally, don’t forget to practice! Being able to think on your feet and answer questions quickly will make you look even smarter. Comment below about some of the techniques that work best for you when trying to appear smarter.
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Murphy, N. A. (2007). Appearing Smart: The Impression Management of Intelligence, Person Perception Accuracy, and Behavior in Social Interaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33(3), 325–339.
Rocco Palumbo, Beth Fairfield, Nicola Mammarella & Alberto Di Domenico | Peter Walla (Reviewing Editor) (2017) Does make-up make you feel smarter? The “lipstick effect” extended to academic achievement, Cogent Psychology, 4:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311908.2017.1327635