Understanding and Overcoming Premature Ejaculation

Join me as I explore the causes, effects, and non-medicinal strategies for managing this common concern in a friendly and informative manner.

Let’s dive into the nuanced topic of premature ejaculation. Whether you’re personally navigating this issue or seeking knowledge, I’m here to provide valuable insights and practical solutions. Your well-being matters, and i’m here to guide you on the journey to mastering control.

What is premature ejaculation?

Well, there’s actually various definitions.

For one, premature ejaculation is referred to as a condition where a man ejaculates too quickly during sexual activity, often before he or his partner is ready. In this definition, there isn’t a specific time interval given.

However, it is generally considered to be when ejaculation occurs within one minute of penetration. Some scholars argue that anything less than 4 minutes should be considered pathological or abnormal.

Other definitions may include other factors such as the inability to delay ejaculation, distress or anxiety related to the condition, and negative impact on the individual’s sexual and/or psychological well-being.

Statistics on Premature Ejaculation

Let’s look at some statistics. Premature ejaculation is more common than you might think, affecting approximately 1 in 3 men at some point in their lives.

There are reports that this number is actually much higher.

In fact, premature ejaculation is the most common sexual dysfunction in men under 40. So, if you’re experiencing this, know that you are not alone.

Also, it is quite normal for men to experience premature ejaculation occasionally. However, if it becomes a persistent problem and interferes with sexual satisfaction and relationships, it may require treatment.

The American Psychiatric association includes in their definition of premature ejaculation,

  • if it occurs more than 75% of the time,
  • if symptoms persist for more than 6 months
  • if this dysfunction isn’t related to significant distress, the use of medications or a mental or physical medical condition.

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Classification of Premature Ejaculation

Now, premature ejaculation has various classifications. Understanding these classifications can help determine the appropriate approach to management. For instance, there’s the lifelong or primary premature ejaculation and acquired or secondary premature ejaculation.

As the terms suggest, lifelong Premature ejaculation occurs from the very first sexual experience, while acquired Premature ejaculation develops after a period of normal sexual function.

Another classification is Global or Situational. Global premature ejaculation is constant and occurs all of the time regardless of your sexual partner, or the type of stimulation or the situation.

On the other hand, situational premature ejaculation is intermittent and would vary depending on your partner, the situation, location etc.

Premature ejaculation can also be classified depending on the severity. There’s the mild when ejaculation occurs within about 30 secs to 1 minute of vaginal penetration.

Moderate: within 15 to 30 seconds of vaginal penetration. This person from the comment mentioned that he ejaculates within 15 seconds so he’ll likely fall under the category.

Finally there’s the severe premature ejaculation which occurs before or during foreplay or within 15 seconds of vaginal intercourse.

Premature Ejaculation
“Recent surveys show 3 out of 10 men have a problem with premature ejaculation. The rest just didn’t really think it was a problem.” – Frankie Boyle

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

So, why does premature ejaculation happen? Well, the causes can be complex and multi-factorial

It may be due to psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, alcoholism, excessive masturbation, control issues, guilt, narcissism, or relationship issues.

Performance anxiety is another common causal factor so the fact that you’re extremely stressed about this condition, is likely only making things worse.

On the other hand, biological factors like obesity, diabetes, lack of sleep, erectile dysfunction, abnormal hormone levels or certain neurotransmitter imbalances can also play a role.

Some men may simply be more genetically predisposed to premature ejaculation.

It’s essential to remember that everyone is different, and what triggers premature ejaculation for one person may not be the same for another.

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Effects of Premature Ejaculation

Regardless, premature ejaculation can impact not only the individual experiencing it but also their partner and their relationship.

It may lead to feelings of frustration, embarrassment, and even avoidance of sexual intimacy. In fact, premature ejaculation can even cause clinical depression especially if it occurs for more than 1 year.

Unfortunately, this embarrassment experienced because of premature ejaculation prevents a lot of men from seeking treatment.

Premature Ejaculation
“The only thing we don’t have a god for is premature ejaculation…but I hear that it’s coming quickly.” – Mel Brooks

I remember once when I was working as a medical doctor in Guyana, I started a 12 hour shift at 4 pm and there were several patients there waiting because there was a mixture of emergency patients and those that came from the out-patient department which closes at 4 pm.

But there was this one male patient that was somehow always at the back, letting all the other patients go before him.

A few hours later, he was the only person waiting to be seen so I decided to ask if he has a complaint or if he’s a relative for one of the the patients. So he decided to tell me that he was waiting on a male doctor.

Well he was out of luck because there weren’t any male doctors coming in until the next few days so he was stuck with me.

Long story short- he actually had a Sexually Transmitted disease and he felt ashamed because I was a female doctor.

On another occasion, there was a female patient that I was treating for a vaginal yeast infection, which is actually quite common.

The thing is though, the patient reported having the condition for more than 2 weeks and when I checked her history I noticed that she’d been at the hospital only a few days ago and did not report any associated symptoms.

The thing is, this patient came to the clinic, waited several hours to see a doctor and when it was her turn she went in to see a male doctor, so she simply requested some vitamins and went back home.

She didn’t even request to see a female doctor; she just decided to come back another day and go through the whole process again, keeping her fingers crossed that she would see a female doctor. She opted to stay with this discomfort when it simply wasn’t necessary.

These examples may seem illogical to you. But they are true and it goes to show how embarrassment and shame can negatively affect our thoughts and behaviors.

I know it’s important to have a doctor that you feel comfortable with but I’m saying all this to encourage you not to be embarrassed – especially when your health depends on it.

Unfortunately, depending on where you live, you probably don’t even have that many options.

Remember, your healthcare professional is not there to judge you but to promote health and help you find solutions to your problems.

And chances are, you won’t be telling or showing them anything that they haven’t seen or heard countless times before – well at least the majority of the time.

Treatment of Premature Ejaculation

The most common sexual dysfunction in men.
“Take control of your ejaculation instead of allowing it to control you.” – Keeley Rankin

Medicinal Treatment for Premature Ejaculation

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to manage premature ejaculation, including medicinal and non-medicinal approaches.

The most commonly prescribed medications for are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or (SSRIs)

There are topical numbing creams or sprays which can help reduce sensitivity to the penis and delay ejaculation. Simply using a condom has been reported to be beneficial.

There are also medical procedures such as penile injections which may be used to treat PE.

These medical treatment options should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Medications have side effects and may interact with other medications, so it is important to discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider before starting treatment.

Non-medicinal treatment for Premature Ejaculation

“The good news is that there are non-medicinal approaches to managing premature ejaculation. Techniques such as the start-stop method, the squeeze technique, and pelvic floor exercises can be beneficial.

The start-stop method involves stopping sexual stimulation just before ejaculation occurs.

The individual or their partner can use a signal to indicate when to stop, and the individual can then wait for a few seconds before resuming sexual activity.

This technique can help you become more aware of their sexual response and learn to control it.

The squeeze method involves applying pressure to the base of the penis just before ejaculation occurs.

This can be done by the individual or their partner. The pressure should be maintained for several seconds until the urge to ejaculate subsides.

It’s important to note that these techniques may not work for everyone and may require practice and patience to be effective. It’s also recommended to speak with a healthcare professional or a sex therapist for additional guidance and support.

Kegel exercises for men is another option so be sure to check out this video to learn more about pelvic floor exercises.

Simply improving communication with your partner, decreasing alcohol consumption and practicing mindfulness can also be very beneficial.

Counseling is crucial for helping you identify and address the emotional and psychological factors that contribute to premature ejacuation, such as stress, anxiety, and depression.

It’ll also help you develop coping strategies to manage your symptoms and improve overall sexual satisfaction.


Raveendran AV, Agarwal A. Premature ejaculation – current concepts in the management: A narrative review. Int J Reprod Biomed. 2021 Jan 25;19(1):5-22. 

Gillman N, Gillman M. Premature Ejaculation: Aetiology and Treatment Strategies. Med Sci (Basel). 2019 Oct 25;7(11):102.

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